Shared Services Directorate
The division coordinates all activities of the State Department such as implementation of all Presidential Directives and performs any other assignment delegated by the Principal Secretary.
The division is in-charge of preparation of quarterly and statutory financial reports, provision of quality and timely accounting services, provision of advisory services on all financing and accounting matters and any other duties assigned by the Accounting Officer.
The division coordinates and manages the Communication function in the State Department.
The division is in charge of automation of operations and processes through re-engineering, digitization of manual processes, improvement of communication and internet connectivity, enhancement of Information and System Security and Data Protection.
The division provides consultancy services, provides Secretariat Services to the Audit Committee and reviews governance processes and make recommendations.
Internal Audit also:
- Develops and implements internal audit plans and programs;
- Ensure adequacy of internal controls and adherence to set standards;
- Undertakes risk-based audits;
- Undertakes procedural audit to ensure the effectiveness of existing internal control systems;
- Reviews all payments made to ensure compliance with budgetary provisions, policies and procedures;
- Offers guide to management in preparing and implementing Risk Management Policy Framework;
- Carries out Ad hoc assignments as may be directed management;
- Verifies statutory reports.
The division is in charge of allocation of funds to budgeted activities and programmes, preparation of supplementary estimates, approval of requisition in the system and Purchase Order (P.O), budget preparation and capturing, and preparation of quarterly reports.
The division ensures the acquisition of all goods, works and services; coordinates preparation of the annual procurement plan; ensures safety and security of all items in store; timely disposal of boarded items and provides technical advice and guidance on all Procurement issues to the State Department for Cabinet Affairs.
The division deals with the attraction and retention of skilled, committed and motivated staff; ensures timely interpretation of Human Resource Policies; effectively manages the pay structure as per authorized remuneration guidelines; maintains sound records of Human Resource database; ensures compliance with established disciplinary procedures; manages the Performance Appraisal System; provides timely management of exits in the Public Service and effectively manages the competence development of staff.
The division maintains an electronic document and record management system, enhances efficiency, effectiveness, accountability and transparency in records management; ensures the safe custody of all records; effective retention and disposal of records in line with the Data Disposal Policy; implements rights and restrictions to protect records against unauthorised or inappropriate use or access; provides the correct information when needed; creates and captures records; organizes data into a more organised and readable format; and offers technical advice and support on all matters relating to Records Management.
The division coordinates the formulation, implementation, and review of national and sectoral development plans, policies and strategies as well as the regional and global obligations such as SDGs and Africa Agenda 2063. It also coordinates the planning functions including the development of Strategic Plans and Annual Work Plans, ensures Linkage between planning and budgeting through the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF).
Additionally, it tracks the implementation of programmes/projects and prepares quarterly and annual project reports, coordinates signing and execution of Performance Contracts, enforce compliance to Public Investment Management (PIM) guidelines, and coordinates monitoring and evaluation of programs and projects.